Information Economics Press
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Information Economics Press

Last year, corporations worldwide spent over $1 trillion on information technology. Half of that, over $500 billion, was spent by US corporations alone. But did they get their money's worth? How can you really measure white-collar productivity? What are the real causes of success and failure in corporate information management?

Paul Strassmann's books stand apart from the usual business management self-help books. As a former chief information executive for three major multinational corporations and the U.S. Department of Defense, his breadth and depth of real-world experience is unmatched. His keen insights are backed up by a uniquely vast collection of empirical data, and meticulous scholarly analysis.

We publish books for senior executives and others who want to understand how to effectively manage the information in their enterprise. Click on any book to find out more about it.

Digital Books
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Corporate Information Economics New!

The Economics of Corporate Information Systems
by Paul Strassmann
Assessing the Information Management Costs of U.S. Industrial Corporations.
An economic analysis of investments in computers, including illustrative workbooks, examples of productivity analysis and how to apply knowledge value metrics.

2007. 224 pages, 27 illustrations
Price (paperback): $24.99 + $4.30 for USPS shipping.
Price (instant eBook download): $12.50.
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Information Productivity
by Paul Strassmann
Assessing the Information Management Costs of U.S. Industrial Corporations.
How the costs of information management relate to all other costs of doing business.

1999. Hardcover, 168 pages, 89 illustrations
Price: $19.95 + $5.50 for UPS shipping and handling (within continental US).

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The Squandered Computer #1 Bestseller

The Squandered Computer
by Paul Strassmann
This is the definitive book on the economics of computerization. It separates facts from hype, and gives executives the tools they need to make rational investments in information technology.

1997. Hardcover, 426 pages, 66 illustrations.
Price: $24.50 + $5.50 for UPS shipping and handling (within continental US).

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The Business
Value of Computers
The Business Value of Computers
by Paul Strassmann
An executive's guide to planning, budgeting, and justifying information technology expenditures.
1990. Hardcover, 548 pages, 184 illustrations and tables.
Price: $49.90 + $5.50 for UPS shipping and handling (within continental US).
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Inquire for availability in Japanese translation edition.

Information Payoff
Information Payoff
by Paul Strassmann
Keen insights into information technology from three perspectives: individual, organizational and societal.
1985. Hardcover, 298 pages, 22 illustrations.
Price: $34.90 + $5.50 for UPS shipping and handling (within continental US).
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Original publisher: The Free Press
Inquire about available foreign translation editions: Japanese, Russian, Italian, and Brazilian

Politics of Information Management Out of print

The Politics of Information Management
by Paul Strassmann
Policy guidelines for executives who need to understand the role of political power in creating effective organizations.
1994. Hardcover, 554 pages, 86 illustrations

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Key chapters of this book will be available in eBook form, starting with Governance of Information Management
An Irreverent Dictionary
of Information Politics Out of print

An Irreverent Dictionary of Information Politics
by Paul Strassmann and John Klossner
A collection of witty one-liners illustrated by hilarious cartoons.
1995. Paperback, 152 pages, 141 cartoons.
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Paul's War

Paul's War: Slovakia 1938-1945
by Paul Strassmann
2006. Hardcover, 206 pages
Paul's War tells about the experiences of a fifteen-year-old who joined a partizan unit in September 1944, to derail German trains on a strategic railroad in Slovakia. Military actions and survival in the mountains during a brutal winter are described as often tragic events. Paul stayed with the partizans until the end of war when he joined the Czechoslovak army.
Price: $20.99 + $2.50 for UPS shipping and handling (within continental US).
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Paul's Odyssey New!

Paul's Odyssey: America 1945-1985
by Paul Strassmann
2008. Hardcover, 386 pages
Paul's Odyssey follows experiences from the end of WWII until retirement from a corporate career in 1985. It tracks education from the Cooper Union and M.I.T. through increasingly senior computer-related jobs in General Foods, the National Dairy Products Corporation and in Xerox. Failed attempts to introduce computers made by Xerox Data Systems and the missed opportunities to advance innovations from the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) are discussed in detail. After retirement as Vice-President of Xerox, he continues an active career as consultant, lecturer, public servant and academic.
Price: $24.96 + $2.50 for UPS shipping and handling (within continental US).
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